Specialty Metals is a family owned company set up in 2007 to meet the growing need for the recycling of specialist and precious metals –metals that were being lost into general scrap streams. Metals such as high temp alloys, tungsten, cobalt and nickel are scarce commodities, and Specialty Metals works with a wide range of industries to offer a nationwide recycling option for these metals.
As a family owned and operated company, Specialty Metals can offer a professional service with all the personal touches of a local business. We have the passion, the experience, and the equipment to provide a comprehensive recycling solution for a wide range of specialist metals in New Zealand.
Specialty Metals leads the way for the identification and recovery these important metals. We work with industry to help limit their misidentification as lower grade metals. In turn we help to reduce the depletion of raw materials and preserve our landfills.
Specialty Metals works with many types of industry including engineering, mining and aviation. Recycling of specialist metals provides a cost effective option to industry creating significantly higher returns.
Specialty Metals are proud members of the New Zealand Association of Metal Recyclers Incorporated. www.nzamr.org.nz